New Moon Trivia Answers

1. When is Bella’s birthday (month and day)?
September 13th, p.6

2. What movie do Edward and Bella watch on her birthday? BONUS: Which version?
Romeo and Juliet, the 1960s version (Franco Zeffirelli), p.11

3. What do Renee and Charlie get Bella for her birthday?
A scrapbook (Renee) and a camera (Charlie), p.9

4. What do Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper get Bella for her birthday?
A new stereo for her truck, p.27

5. What is Bella wearing at her birthday party in the movie? BONUS: In the book?
Green dress and black cardigan (movie), Light blue cotton shirt (book), p.41

6. Who is the only Cullen to stay with Bella after Jasper’s attack?
Carlisle, p.33

7. Why is Edward so reluctant to change Bella into a vampire?
He thinks vampires have no souls, and he doesn’t want to take Bella’s away from her, p.37

8. What color were Edward’s eyes before Carlisle changed him into a vampire?
Green, p.39

9. What were Edward’s parents’ names?
Edward and Elizabeth, p.39

10. Who convinced Carlisle to save Edward when he was dying of the Spanish influenza?
Edward’s mother, Elizabeth Masen, p.40

11. What is the last thing Edward does before leaving Bella in the forest behind her house?
Kisses her on the forhead and says “Take care of yourself.” p.73

12. Who finds Bella after Edward leaves her?
Sam Uley, p.75

13. What do the Quiluetes do when they learn that the Cullens have left Forks?
Light bonfires on the cliffs to celebrate, p.80-81

14. In the book, which months pass between Edward leaving Bella and the story resuming?
October – December (or January), p.84-93

15. What is the first social thing Bella does after the Cullens leave?
Goes to see a movie in Port Angeles with Jessica, p.101

16. What is the name of the zombie movie Bella and Jessica go to see in Port Angeles in the book? BONUS: In the movie?
Dead End (book), p.101,The Dead Come Back (movie)

17. What causes Bella to hear Edward’s voice for the first time after the Cullens have left?
She approaches a group of men in a bar in Port Angeles when she is there with Jessica after watching a movie, p.111

18. Where does Bella first hear about the giant animals in the woods around Forks?
From a couple of hikers at the Newtons’ store, p.121

19. Why does Bella decide to get the motorcycles?
To break her promise to Edward by being reckless and stupid, p.125-7

20. How tall is Jacob when Bella first sees him in New Moon?
Six five, p.131

21. What kind of car is Jacob fixing up?
(1986) Volkswagon (Rabbit), p.133

22. What are the names of Jacob’s two best friends?
Quil Ateara and Embry Call

23. What colors ate Jacob and Bella’s motorcycles?
Red and black, p.137

24. What kind of animal do people in Forks first think are in the woods?
Bears, p.155

25. What does Jacob think is going on with Sam and his friends before he begins shifting?
A gang / cult, p.173, p.177

26. What excuse does Bella use at the hospital after she cuts open her forehead crashing her motorcycle?
She fell in Jacob’s garage and hit her head on a hammer, p.191

27. How many stitches does Bella get in her forehead after she crashes her motorcycle?
Seven, p.192

28. What is the name of the second movie Bella goes to see in Port Angeles (in the book)?
Crosshairs, p.205

29. Which of her two friends does Bella end up going to see the second movie in Port Angeles with?
Jacob and Mike, p.208

30. Why can’t Ben and Angela go to the movie with Bella?
Angela is sick with the stomach flu and Ben doesn’t feel like going without her, p.207

31. Why does Laurent say he is back in Forks?
Victoria sent him, p.239

32. Where does Bella first see the wolves?
In the meadow, p.242

33. When Bella first sees the wolves, how many are there?
Five, p.243 (Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, and Jacob)

34. What happens to Laurent after Bella sees the wolves chase him into the forest?
The werewolves kill him, p.310

35. What article of clothing does Jacob keep destroying when he shifts?
Sneakers, p.327

36. Who is the alpha wolf of the Quileute werewolves?
Sam, p.319

37. What color is Sam when he’s a wolf?
Black p.242

38. What color is Jacob when he’s a wolf?
Reddish-brown / Russet p.244, p.325

39. Who is Sam’s fiancée?
Emily , p.329

40. After Jacob rescues Bella from her cliff dive, she thinks she sees something in the water. What is it?
A small flash of fire / Victoria, p.366

41. To which character from Shakespeare does Bella compare Jacob?
Paris, p.370, p.552

42. Whose car does Bella see outside her house when Jacob drives her home after the cliff diving incident?
Carlisle’s Mercedes (S55 AMG), p.378

43. Who is waiting for Bella inside Charlie’s house when she and Jacob get home from cliff diving?
Alice, p.382

44. When Alice comes back to Forks, she tells Bella she has been doing research into her past. What did she discover her full name was?
Mary Alice Brandon, p.400

45. Where does Jacob say Charlie is when he answers the phone at Bella’s house while Alice is away?
“He’s at the funeral.” p.412

46. When Edward thinks Bella is dead, where does he go?
To the Volturi, Volterra, Italy p.417, 419

47. What kind and color of car does Alice ‘borrow’ in Italy?
Yellow Porsche (911 Turbo)

48. What is the first thing Edward says when Bella hurls himself at him in the piazza in Volterra?
“Amazing… Carlisle was right.” p.452

49. Name three of the Volturi.
Marcus, Caius, Aro, Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri

50. What are the names of the Volturi twins?
Jane and Alec

51. What actress plays Jane in the movie?
Dakota Fanning

52. What is Jane’s special vampire power?
Psychic pain, p.475

53. What is Aro’s special vampire power?
To hear every thought you’ve ever had with a touch, p.469

54. Who is immune to Aro, Jane, and Edward’s special powers?
Bella, p.473, 476

55. When Bella sees Edward when she wakes up after getting back from Italy, what does she think is happening?
She thinks she’s dead/ having a dream/ nightmare, p.502

56. Where does Edward admit he put all of Bella’s things that would remind her of him?
Under the floorboards in her bedroom, p.525

57. When the Cullens vote on Bella becoming a vampire, who votes no?
Rosalie (and Edward), p.534

58. After the Cullens vote on Bella becoming a vampire, who is it finally decided will turn her?
First Alice, who freaks out, then Carlisle agrees to do it, p.537

59. Who tells Charlie about the motorcycles?
Jacob, p.553

60. Who is the director of New Moon? BONUS: Name one other movie by this director.
Chris Weitz, The Golden Compass, About A Boy
