Announcing the Take a Chance Thursday prizes...

Come to the library on Thursday to fill out an entry to win one of the three following fabulous Books with Bite prizes...

1GB Tiger Flash Drive - bytes with bite!

Cooking Up A Storm by Sam Stern - yummy bites to eat!

Twilight cast T-shirt - OME*, you can wear it to the prom on 11/20!

See you lined up @ the library for Take a Chance Thursday!
(who really wants to take the tiger flash drive home!)

P.S. Remember this is a secret, so don't tell your friends... make them check out the blog if they want to know what the prizes are! (Katie who has a tiny crush on Sam Stern)

*OME = Oh My Edward (from "not so cool" Katie since she didn't know this... not to say you aren't cool if you don't know this... talk to Megan.)
