Have you...
Ever thought, really thought, about the environment, racism, poverty, and violence in today's world?
Wanted to know how you can do something to change the world?
Always wanted to meet a Nobel Prize laureate, like the Dalai Lama?
Then take the PeaceJam Global Call to Action Challenge! To get active, join a project group of the CGA. You'll get hooked up with other teens who want to make a difference, design a project that will address how to solve some of the global issues of today, and document your ideas on digital film or in writing. If you win, you'll not only be working towards world peace, but you'll get the chance to have a Nobel laureate visit your school in the spring of 2009. Plus, it'll look awesome on your college resume for HarvardPrincetonYale, Madison, or wherever in the world you want to go!
The project deadline is March 1, 2009. Winners will be announced in April 2009.
To get started changing the world, go to http://globalcalltoaction.org/ and http://peacejam.org/.
(doing my small part to save the world by cutting up all the soda 6-pack loops I find to protect birds and other wildlife)

Wanted to know how you can do something to change the world?
Always wanted to meet a Nobel Prize laureate, like the Dalai Lama?
Then take the PeaceJam Global Call to Action Challenge! To get active, join a project group of the CGA. You'll get hooked up with other teens who want to make a difference, design a project that will address how to solve some of the global issues of today, and document your ideas on digital film or in writing. If you win, you'll not only be working towards world peace, but you'll get the chance to have a Nobel laureate visit your school in the spring of 2009. Plus, it'll look awesome on your college resume for HarvardPrincetonYale, Madison, or wherever in the world you want to go!
The project deadline is March 1, 2009. Winners will be announced in April 2009.
To get started changing the world, go to http://globalcalltoaction.org/ and http://peacejam.org/.
(doing my small part to save the world by cutting up all the soda 6-pack loops I find to protect birds and other wildlife)