Book Review: Chalice by Robin McKinley

After a terrible fire destroys the Master and Chalice of Willowlands, Mirasol, a beekeeper, becomes the unexpected choice of new Chalice to the new Master. Recalled from the elemental Fire priesthood, the new Master, brother to the old one, is no longer quite human, more than a little scary with his red eyes, and not sure if he is ready to handle the responsibility of leading his people, nor are his people quite sure if they will accept him. As Chalice, though, it is Mirasol's job to bind the Master to his land and his people, and with a bit of faith, a little honey, and a LOT of unusual bees, she sets out to show the Master that though she, too, is uncertain of her new responsibilities, together they can bring peace to the unsettled Willowlands. When a new Heir to the Master arrives, however, Mirasol is not certain if even the power of her bees' honey can overcome the evil that awaits.

If you're confused now, don't be surprised! Those of you familiar with Robin McKinley will know that she often sets her tales in A Magical Land That Isn't Quite Explained, and Chalice is no different. Although I love love loved the last half of this book, I'll 'fess up now and tell you that it took me a little while to get into this one, and I almost didn't finish it. But, although you will be tempted, do not give up on this one! You as the reader experience McKinley's gorgeous story just as Mirasol experiences her new role as Chalice- at first a bit confused and slow, but just when you're needed most, you can't tear yourself away from the people and events of the Willowlands. Your patience will be rewarded, just like Mirasol's, and by the time you're done, you'll definately want some honey on your next piece of bread!

(now reading Masquerade by Melissa de la Cruz, the 2nd Blue Bloods novel)
