Teen Ink Writing Contest

Do you...

Read books by Sonya Sones?

Love books written in verse?

Like to write stories and / or poetry?

Enjoy the magazine Teen Ink?

Want to win a free 6 week online writing class?

Then read What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know* by Sonya Sones, if you haven't already, and enter Teen Ink's writing contest! All you have to do is read the book, figure out what you think happens next, write it (in a series of poems, of course, cuz that's how Sonya Sones writes!), and submit it online. Sonya Sones will read the stories, pick her fave, and if it's yours, you win! The author of the winning story and ten runners-up will get a year's subscription to Teen Ink and their stories posted on Sonya Sones's author website, and the winner will also get to attend the above-mentioned writing class. Awesome!

Just a few contest rules: Stories should be no longer than 10 pages or 1500 words, you have to be ages 13-18, and your story has to be original and unpublished. The last day to enter is April 3. Good luck!

P.S. For writing tips from Sonya Sones, check out her For Writers Only page.

*We have What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know on order, but in the meantime you can have it sent here from other Milwaukee county libraries!
