Life is about choices. Should you have cereal or eggs for breakfast? Should you play soccer or go out for track? Should you wear the blue or the green shirt? So many choices, but none that become more important to Mia than "Should I stay?"
Mia is a normal girl, growing up with her parents near Portland, Oregon. Mia's parents used to be punk rockers, but that was before the birth of her 8 year old brother. Mia loves her boyfriend Adam, an emo-rocker in a band on the rise. Mia is a gifted Cellist, with hopes of going to Julliard next year for school.
Normal comes to a stop on a snow day when her family is off to visit friends. One moment she is listening to the radio, the next she is looking at the ruins of the car, and watching the scene of a horrible car accident. The accident with a semi leaves Mia in critical condition, her parents are DOA and her little brother is no where to be found.
Detached from her body, Mia watches the emergency crew and then doctors take care of her. She wanders the hospital and reflects on her family, friends and Adam. She wonders how long she can wait between life and death, and has to make the most important decision of her life: should she stay?
If I Stay is one of those books where you will root for the main character, and despite her unfortunate situation kind of wish you were her. While this is a two Kleenex book, the way Mia reflects on her life makes it seem so normal. You will smile at her first date with Adam, and giggle at how her and her best friend became friends.
Reccomoended for fans of "tear-jerker" books, including Jenny Downhan's Before I Die or the complete works of Lurlene McDaniel.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Who just finished Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers)
Mia is a normal girl, growing up with her parents near Portland, Oregon. Mia's parents used to be punk rockers, but that was before the birth of her 8 year old brother. Mia loves her boyfriend Adam, an emo-rocker in a band on the rise. Mia is a gifted Cellist, with hopes of going to Julliard next year for school.
Normal comes to a stop on a snow day when her family is off to visit friends. One moment she is listening to the radio, the next she is looking at the ruins of the car, and watching the scene of a horrible car accident. The accident with a semi leaves Mia in critical condition, her parents are DOA and her little brother is no where to be found.
Detached from her body, Mia watches the emergency crew and then doctors take care of her. She wanders the hospital and reflects on her family, friends and Adam. She wonders how long she can wait between life and death, and has to make the most important decision of her life: should she stay?
If I Stay is one of those books where you will root for the main character, and despite her unfortunate situation kind of wish you were her. While this is a two Kleenex book, the way Mia reflects on her life makes it seem so normal. You will smile at her first date with Adam, and giggle at how her and her best friend became friends.
Reccomoended for fans of "tear-jerker" books, including Jenny Downhan's Before I Die or the complete works of Lurlene McDaniel.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Who just finished Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers)