Hello WAPL Teens!
Last summer you came out in record numbers for one event: Summer Reading.
This summer there will be More Prizes, More Programs and More Reading. Like last year, you will read four books, fill out an entry form and drop it off at the library. Unlike last summer, we will have 8 "major" prizes. That's right, you have 8 opportunities to win a major prize.
Not only are there more "major" prizes, there are just more prizes. Weekly we will draw two names for a free paperback or pre-published book. That's right, we have been building up our supplies of books so that you have more chances to win.
There are also great events just for you. Do you have a craft or talent? Be on the look out for more information about our "Get Creative Showcase". Waiting for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to come out? Join us for our Harry Potter celebration day.
We'll bring out the Wii for more Wii days, and there will be TAG meetings in June, July and August, for those of you who want to tell us what you think about this teen programing.
When does this all start you wonder? We'll have more information about Teen Summer Reading 2009 in the month of May, and the reading contest starts on June 15th.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Now reading Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty. I had to put down Chanda's War to find out what happens to Jessica and Marcus!)
Last summer you came out in record numbers for one event: Summer Reading.
This summer there will be More Prizes, More Programs and More Reading. Like last year, you will read four books, fill out an entry form and drop it off at the library. Unlike last summer, we will have 8 "major" prizes. That's right, you have 8 opportunities to win a major prize.
Not only are there more "major" prizes, there are just more prizes. Weekly we will draw two names for a free paperback or pre-published book. That's right, we have been building up our supplies of books so that you have more chances to win.
There are also great events just for you. Do you have a craft or talent? Be on the look out for more information about our "Get Creative Showcase". Waiting for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to come out? Join us for our Harry Potter celebration day.
We'll bring out the Wii for more Wii days, and there will be TAG meetings in June, July and August, for those of you who want to tell us what you think about this teen programing.
When does this all start you wonder? We'll have more information about Teen Summer Reading 2009 in the month of May, and the reading contest starts on June 15th.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Now reading Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty. I had to put down Chanda's War to find out what happens to Jessica and Marcus!)