It's a glorious June day, and Megan and I are getting ready for Summer Reading! Don't worry if you've still got final projects and test prep, it doesn't start until June 15th. Here's a teaser about our fun-tastic events this summer:
Teen Advisory Group: Tuesdays, June 23, July 21st and August 25th from 2-3 PM. We'll play a game or have an activity, and then talk about library stuff. TAG is for those of you who want to tell us what you want!
Get Creative Showcase: You have all summer to work on various art mediums or a talent. August 19th we'll show off all your hard work!
Potter Party: Thursday July 16th we will have a celebration of all things Harry Potter. We'll show Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the afternoon, and then come back at 5:30 for games and prizes, before we show Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Tickets will be required for this event, so check back soon for more details!
Wii Gaming: July we'll have some Wii open play with a Mario Cart Tournament in August!
Teen Summer Reading Finale: You did the reading, now come reward yourself @ the finale! On August 13th, we'll draw for the grand prizes, and some other fun door prizes. Snacks will be served, and fun will be had!
Okay, more details will be available @ the library by June 15th, if not before.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Who already got a new Hogwarts T-shirt just for the Potter Party!)