TAG Tuesday July 21st 2-3PM

Now it's your turn to tell us what you want!

Tuesday July 21st from 2-3 PM we will be having the second TAG group of the summer, with one itsy-bitsy-teeny-tiny change: instead of making slime, we will be decorating notebooks. Don't worry- slime will be the activity for the August meeting. (Oh and Megan will be leading the July meeting).

So what's TAG you may ask, it's the Teen Advisory Group at the West Allis Public Library. You let us know what you think, and we do our best to make it so. Right now we have some cool things in the mix for the Fall based on what you've told us already! TAG is open to all Milwaukee County Teens ages 12-18 or in grades 6-12.

I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Just finished Angry Management, and LOVED it!)
