Where is Pocket Edward on Monday?
Email your guess at his location to waplteens@mcfls.org by midnight this Friday. To be entered, you've gotta be a Milwaukee County teen (age 12-18 or grades 6-12), and we'll also need your name, the day of the picture, and your email or phone contact info (don't worry, we won't share it with anyone).
Winners and Pocket Edward's top secret location announced Monday, 10.26.09.
(HINT: Pocket Edward wants YOU to prevent forest fires!)
Email your guess at his location to waplteens@mcfls.org by midnight this Friday. To be entered, you've gotta be a Milwaukee County teen (age 12-18 or grades 6-12), and we'll also need your name, the day of the picture, and your email or phone contact info (don't worry, we won't share it with anyone).
Winners and Pocket Edward's top secret location announced Monday, 10.26.09.
(HINT: Pocket Edward wants YOU to prevent forest fires!)