Prizes, Prizes, Prizes!

Well, it took a little work, but... the Bibliolympics prizes are on their way!

We'll be giving away two Team USA aluminum water bottles (sorry, lemon and lime not included!),

A Miga keychain,

A Mukmuk keychain,

And, my personal favorite, a Quatchi keychain!

We'll also have a few paperbacks to throw into the mix too, especially for the reading events.

Want a chance to win one of these? You can download the trivia by clicking on the links on the right sidebar or you can pick it up in the library. Genre reading entry forms are available in the library. You've got til February 28th to enter to win the trivia or the genre reading events, so what are you waiting for?

(who's planning to watch the Olympics pretty much until I have to go to work on Monday morning!)
