Need some new summer reads? All your money going into your college fund, instead of into your reading fund? Got six copies of Twilight for Christmas and nowhere to go with them? Read all your books six times, and ready for something new?
Next Thursday, May 13th, we're hosting a teen book swap! Here's how it works - drop off your old books* at the adult Information desk anytime next Tuesday - Thursday, May 11-13, and we'll give you coupons for each book you donate. Then on Thursday, head to the Constitution Room (in the atrium, by the fountain) with your coupons between 6:30 and 8:00 PM to swap for new (to you!) books! You do have to swap to shop - so you've gotta bring some to take some. If you can't make it to the library with your old books before the swap, just bring them with you to the swap.
We'll also have snacks and tunes to accompany your browsing!
See you next week!
*Swap books must be new or gently used (Broken spine? Missing pages? Highlighted? Your little sister colored in it? You dropped it in the lake last summer? No good!). Hardcovers, paperbacks, manga and graphic novels are all cool - just no magazines. And, they've gotta be books for teens - so don't clean out your little sister's collection of Junie B. Jones, and don't bring your dad's shelf of Stephen King novels! Questions about what you can swap? Just ask!
Next Thursday, May 13th, we're hosting a teen book swap! Here's how it works - drop off your old books* at the adult Information desk anytime next Tuesday - Thursday, May 11-13, and we'll give you coupons for each book you donate. Then on Thursday, head to the Constitution Room (in the atrium, by the fountain) with your coupons between 6:30 and 8:00 PM to swap for new (to you!) books! You do have to swap to shop - so you've gotta bring some to take some. If you can't make it to the library with your old books before the swap, just bring them with you to the swap.
We'll also have snacks and tunes to accompany your browsing!
See you next week!
*Swap books must be new or gently used (Broken spine? Missing pages? Highlighted? Your little sister colored in it? You dropped it in the lake last summer? No good!). Hardcovers, paperbacks, manga and graphic novels are all cool - just no magazines. And, they've gotta be books for teens - so don't clean out your little sister's collection of Junie B. Jones, and don't bring your dad's shelf of Stephen King novels! Questions about what you can swap? Just ask!