Meet Will Grayson, a high school student from Evanston Illinois. With his two rules, (shut up and don't care), he hopes to walk through life unnoticed. Of course this is not easy when his best friend is the larger than life Tiny Cooper.
Meet Will Grayson, a high school student from Naperville, Illinois. He really doesn't care about anything, and hopes to get though life. He has an annoying friend, Maura, if she is even really a friend. And then there is Issac, his online boyfriend, who is the only person he wants to interact with.
Will #1 is off to a concert with Tiny and potential crush Jane, when he isn't allowed in due to having the world's worst fake id. Will #2 is headed to Chicago, hoping to meet Issac for the first time. Neither of these things go the way the Wills plan, causing the them to meet in an unlikely place.
Authors John Green and David Levithan write alternating chapters, to give us one hysterically realistic story. You'll laugh, you might cry, and you'll wonder if there is anyone out there with your name. John Green gives us Tiny Cooper, one of the most memorable characters of all time (I am seriously hoping for an all Tiny companion book), and David Levithan builds his character slowly, showing how strength can come from heart break.
Fans of both authors, realistic fiction, humor, and musical theater (Glee fans don't miss this one), will want to check out Will Grayson, Will Grayson. (Just a note, the the boys are older high school students, and deal with older teen "stuff", so keep that in mind before checking this title out!).
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Now reading Ship Breaker by Palo Bacugalupi)