Saturday's tournament is open items, which means all items will be turned on and on high. Stage selection will be random, and you can play any character that's been unlocked. Tournament matches will be played with 3 lives and timed between 2 and 4 minutes, depending on number of gamers.
Register for the tournament at the door - we'll start gamer sign-up a few minutes before 2PM. The order you sign up in will order you for the first warm-up round. We'll play at least two warm-up rounds (no eliminations, all players advance), and your scores on those will order you for the tournament rounds (you'll play in a different set of gamers for each warm-up round). Warm-up rounds are 4-player, tournament rounds 2-player. Tournament rounds are double elimination, which means you can lose once before getting eliminated.
If you gamed in one, two, or all three of the spring scrimmages, you earned points that'll help seat you higher in the tournament bracket. That means that when I average the scores from the warm-up rounds, I'll average in an extra win for you, which'll help to seat you higher in the bracket!
You guys are welcome to BYO food and drinks, but remember, only library Wiimotes are allowed for the tournaments.
And while you're here for the tournament, you can grab your summer reading packet at the Information desk - read 4 books, and you're entered to win fabulous prizes! Info about the July Open Play also included.
Wait, wait, what are the prizes? $25, $15, and $10 gift cards to Game Stop for the champion, 1st & 2nd runners-up, respectively, and maybe a little candy to sweeten the deal!
See you on Saturday!