First off, a big THANK YOU to all of the teens who participated in our Teen Writers Camp this summer and submitted works for the Teen Writers Camp Anthology. I hope you enjoyed reading works by other teens!
Just so that you can easily find the teen submissions easily we've added a new page for works by teens. Click on the link that says "Teen Writers" at the right of the screen and you will find all of our featured teen writers!
If you are a Milwaukee County Teen and you want to have your work featured on the blog e-mail us at waplteens at or check back for more writers workshops!
Just so that you can easily find the teen submissions easily we've added a new page for works by teens. Click on the link that says "Teen Writers" at the right of the screen and you will find all of our featured teen writers!
If you are a Milwaukee County Teen and you want to have your work featured on the blog e-mail us at waplteens at or check back for more writers workshops!