From the always-awesome Maggie Stiefvater, the trailer for the forthcoming The Scorpio Races:
Again, she astounds me with her creativity, artistry and time management skills by having animated as well as composed and performed the music (with her sister!) to create this trailer that has me even more excited for The Scorpio Races than I already was! Read more about the book on Maggie's website. Coming to a library near you October 18th.
(who now will be forced to find a local-ish Maggie Stiefvater book tour stop this fall so I can get my copy of Scorpio signed! Oh, the tragedy...)
Again, she astounds me with her creativity, artistry and time management skills by having animated as well as composed and performed the music (with her sister!) to create this trailer that has me even more excited for The Scorpio Races than I already was! Read more about the book on Maggie's website. Coming to a library near you October 18th.
(who now will be forced to find a local-ish Maggie Stiefvater book tour stop this fall so I can get my copy of Scorpio signed! Oh, the tragedy...)