First off, a big THANK YOU to the 69 teens who turned in reading logs this summer. Thank you all for being great readers! You read 1848 books, and that is AWESOME.
Also, a big thank you to all the teens who came to our programs. From Wii days, to the Writers Camp, Harry Potter Puppet Pals and the Teen Summer Reading Finale, it was fun to put faces with the names we saw on all the reading logs.
And in no particular order, here are the first names of the winners from our grand prize auction:
Michelle , Ashley, Mikayla , Sam, Karl, Harrison, Josh, Spencer, Ricardo, Drea, Chloe, Jake, Elijah, Emily and Naomi!
Again congratulations to all of the Teen Summer Readers. Check back soon for some cool fall programs, and other reading adventures @ the West Allis Public Library!