Idea Deity meets Eunice when he is on the run from two men who want to take him back to his parents. In defiance of his parents, he has made up a band called Youforia, and posts information about their shows and songs on his blog and all the social networking sites. What really enrages him is that other people claim to love the band, and know their songs, even though Idea has made it all up.
Reacher Mirage is the lead singer of the band Youforia, and he is not ready for them to go public. However, someone keeps leaking information about all their shows and almost exposing them. He's not ready to be a star, and with all this buzz his band and manager are getting antsy for him to be ready to go "live". He finds solstence in the book Fireskull's Revenant, a fantasy epic that has two warriors dueling it out over a kingdom.
Which is the same book Idea is reading, to escape his own issues, mainly that he feels there is an author writing his life, and he is doomed to die in chapter 64.
My Favorite Band Does Not Exist is a fast and wild ride through multiple universes that exist an a similar plane. The three stories weave together and pick up and leave off at different points with similar characters appearing in each world. Idea and Reacher both are held back by their pasts and have pretty cool guides to help them get to where they need to be. Of course, with Idea out to stop a rumored Youforia concert and Reacher kidnapped and away from his band, it isn't clear what their course is.
Readers looking for something completely different will want to give this novel a try. If you liked the world jumping reality of Going Bovine , the magical mahem of The Wee Free Men or the paranormal humor of Hold Me Closer Necromancer, My Favorite Band Does Not Exist might just be the book for you.
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Finishing off The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann. Look for a review soon!)