Think you know all there is about the West Allis Public Library? Test your skills, and maybe learn something new by taking part in the Teen Scavenger Hunt!
Using all of the library resources available to you, answer 15 questions about the library and the awesome books and other resources found here. Scavenger Hunt sheets can be found at the Adult Information Desk as well as in the new Teen Space @ the West Allis Public Library.
The Teen Scavenger Hunt runs from September 15th-October 20th, 7PM. Every completed sheet will be entered into a drawing for awesome teen books and more at our Teen Space Open House on October 20th.
Like all the the West Allis Public Library Teen Events, the Scavenger Hunt is open to teens living in Milwaukee County, ages 12-18 or in grades 6-12.
We'll post hints and clues on the blog during this time, so check back often!
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (If you are reading this blog, question 10 will be a cinch!)