Breaking Dawn Prizes - and Cake!!

You guys!  Breaking Dawn in T minus ONLY TWO MORE DAYS!!

Which means y'all have a party to get to at the library this Thursday at 7PM!  If you don't already have your (free!) ticket, there are still a few available at the adult Information desk, so hurry up and gets yours!

So!  Let's get down to party business!  We'll have Breaking Dawn cake (woohoo!), tons of trivia, and, my personal favorite, toilet paper bride/groom (design your own wedding dress/tux out of TP, the ultimate in quality fabric!) with the opportunity to pose with (cardboard) Edward.  We also will raffle off a ton of Breaking Dawn swag at the end of the evening.  What swag, you ask?

Paperback of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer with the movie cover and free poster inside
Breaking Dawn soundtrack
16-month Breaking Dawn wall calendar
Volume 2 of the Twilight graphic novel
A whole bunch of Breaking Dawn posters and 2 Eclipse posters
A couple of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer hardcover books
An Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer hardcover book
A selection of paperback books of the Twilight series
Anything I happen to find at Hot Topic tomorrow!

Don't forget your ticket - it not only grants your access to our exclusive Breaking Dawn event, it's your raffle ticket too!

Look for trivia teasers on the blog tomorrow and Thursday, and we'll see you on Thursday night!

(who loves that every time I walk by my desk, not one but two life-sized Edwards are glowering at me!)
