Breaking Dawn Trivia Teasers!

We have a TON of trivia for you guys tomorrow night at the Breaking Dawn Bash!  Book trivia, quote trivia, trivia to see how well you know the bride and groom, and Twilight couples trivia.  Since there's soooooo much, we thought we'd give our loyal blog readers a jump start so on it.  So, from the official trivia, here are three quotes and three book trivia questions - all from the wedding!

Who Said It?  Character Quote Trivia

"I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan."

"No one dressed by me ever looks like an idiot."

"Bells, we're up to bat."

Breaking Dawn Book Trivia

Who takes Edward out for his bachelor party?

What flowers does Alice use in Bella's wedding bouquet?

Who is the only werewolf to attend Bella and Edward's wedding ceremony?

Bonus hint - make sure you brush up on your non-Cullen vampire couples - especially the Volturi wives!

Check back for more trivia teasers tomorrow afternoon before you head to the library for the Breaking Dawn Bash!  The doors will open at 7:00 PM tomorrow, so make sure you get to the library a few minutes early to get in line.  Don't forget your tickets - they not only grant you access to the release party, they're also your raffle ticket to win some of the fabulous Breaking Dawn swag we have to give away at the end of the evening!  Don't have a ticket yet?  As of this evening, there are still 6 remaining, so hurry to the library to get yours!

See you tomorrow night!

P.S.  All trivia answers will be posted on the blog after the Bash.
