Teen Winter Reading Starts Today!

Are you looking forward to reading this winter break? Have you checked out some new blogs, websites or done research at the library this fall? Are there any movies based on books that you can't wait to read? Are you just looking for something new to read?

Then stop in the library and try our Winter Reading Bingo!

Stop in the library starting today (December 1st)and pick up a Bingo card in the Teen Space or at the Adult Information desk. You'll read books, and do other library-esque activities, and when you get a BINGO, bring the card back to the library and be entered to win gift cards, books and other fun library stuff.

Like all of our teen programs, this contest is open to teens living in Milwaukee County, ages 12-18 or in grades 6-12. Complete rules are on the Bingo card!

I'll see you @ the library!