2012 Teen Summer Reading Countdown

Are you waiting (impatiently) for summer? How about summer reading? That's right we are back for another summer of awesome Teen Summer Reading! Full details will be available June 1st, but here are some new things for 2012!

This year you will be counting the number of pages you read. Every 750 pages is an every into the grand prize drawing!

We'll also have a few contests with chances for you to win more prizes! Megan has some awesome Mad Libs she's working on to help "retell" scenes from  favorite books.

Do you read to younger siblings or kids you babysit for? Then enter our "Read to Me" contest, where you get an extra entry into the grand prize drawing for reading to a younger child!

Attend a teen program and earn another entry for the grand prize drawing!

And we are going to cap this summer off with our traditional end of summer reading party and prize auction!

So start counting down to June 1st when full Teen Summer Reading information will be available!

I'll see you @ the library!

PS- Sadly, there will be no Writers Camp this summer. I'll be out on maternity leave for most of summer reading and Megan will be busy doing everything else! Check back in the winter for more writing activities, and definitely next summer!