Attention all eBook readers! Whether you have a Nook, Kindle Fire**, iPad or other eReading device we have something awesome for you. It's called Freading and it's a way for you to get eBooks to read right now. No more weeks of waiting for your name to come up on wait lists!
Here's how it works, you get 10 tokens every week to check out books using the Freading website or App. Brand new books check out for 4 tokens, some books are 2 and the older books are 1 token. All items check out for two weeks, and most books renew for an additional two weeks for no tokens!
And the best part, once you click "download" the book is there for you! That's right you can download anything as long as you have enough tokens!
While there isn’t a "Teen" section, I found some awesome teen books in the Juvenile section including Stupid Fast by Geoff Herback and the Beautiful Dead books by Eden Maguire. There's also a section for classics and study aids, including a lot of AP test prep books!
Questions? Either give us a call or stop in!
I'll see you @ the library!
Katie (Now reading Stupid Fast on my phone.)
*If West Allis is not the library in the town you live, give them a call to see if they offer access to Freading!
**The only Kindle that works with Freading is the Kindle Fire.