Summer Reading Countdown Beings!

Today is May 1st and that means ONE MONTH UNTIL SUMMER READING! That's right June 1st is the start of our annual Teen Summer Reading program, where you can win prizes just for reading!

This year, for every 750 pages (no more no less) you earn an entry to win gift cards and other fun stuff. As usual we'll be taking all the entries and drawing for 15 $20 gift cards to area and online businesses. We'll also have the silent prize auction again, so every time you read you'll earn book bucks to bid on prizes!

We also are rewarding those of you who might babysit or have younger brothers and sisters! Read 20 books to them and you can enter to win a special Read-to-Me prize!

That's not all, we're still hosting some pretty cool events! Mark your calendar for the following dates:

Craft-stravaganza: June 20th 7-8 PM 

WAPL Wii: June 22nd and July 20th 2-4 PM

Writers Camp: July 11th, 18th, 25th and August 1st 2-3 PM

Finale and Silent Auction: August 15th 6:30-8:30 PM

All summer long we'll be having trivia and other fun stuff in the teen space so plan on making the library one of your summer destinations!

All material, including more information about the programs, will be available on June 1st.

I'll see you @ the library!
