Silent Prize Auction Rules

If you've been Summer Reading, I bet you've been planning on coming to the Silent Prize Auction on August 15th. Here are the rules in full:
  1. You must be at the summer reading finale on August 15th to participate in the silent prize auction.
  2. Bidding on prizes will run from 6:30-8 PM
  3. Points for the auction are earned by turning in West Allis Public Library Teen Summer Reading program Reading Logs.
  4. Every 50 pages read will be worth 1 "book buck" to bid on prizes.
  5. Book Bucks are non-transferable, and we will only award teens the points they earned from Reading Logs turned in from June 1st-August 12th, 2013.
  6. When Bidding if another teen outbids you, you get your book bucks back to continue to bid on the same item, or to use on another item in the auction.
  7. You MUST bid in whole dollar amounts. Bids in "cents" will not be accepted.
  8. You cannot combine your book bucks with another person in order to have more bucks to bid with.
  9. Be sure to write legibly. Those names that can not be read will not win.
In plain speak, show up get your points, bid fairly, make sure we can read what you write. Take home awesome prizes!

I'll see you August 15th!
