Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to get the books from the library when you see them on on-line and at book stores? Here's a sneak peak at some new to us Teen Books getting ready to go out on the shelf:
Here are some books we ordered this week, waiting to get labels, and added to the collection! All are available in the catalog for holds (yes there are extra copies of Divergent and Allegiant!) I recommend getting your name on the list for Grasshopper Jungle and The Impossible Knife of Memory, especially for older teens looking for good new reads!
You'll see these books @ the library soon!
Here are some books we ordered this week, waiting to get labels, and added to the collection! All are available in the catalog for holds (yes there are extra copies of Divergent and Allegiant!) I recommend getting your name on the list for Grasshopper Jungle and The Impossible Knife of Memory, especially for older teens looking for good new reads!
You'll see these books @ the library soon!