Like No Other by Una LaMarche is like a modern day Romeo and Juliet story of forbidden love among two teenagers. The story follows Devorah, a Hasidic Jewish girl, who has never strayed from her ultra-orthodox, Jewish background and Jaxon, a smart, kind, wanna be smooth, West Indian guy. Both grew up blocks apart in Brooklyn, never meeting until a wicked storm traps both Devorah and Jaxon in an elevator together at the hospital. There's an instant spark that ignites between them, but given their lives in completely different worlds, even the idea of a possible relationship is forbidden.
This book, told in alternating chapters by both Devorah and Jaxon, talks about the challenges that they both face as they're finding ways to be together. Devorah comes from a strict Hasidic Jewish family where her religion forbids contact with any man who isn't a member of her family and has her future decided for her based on the fact that she's a woman. For Jaxon, the nerdy, witty, hopeless romantic who can't seem to find a girl who loves him, Devorah is the girl he can't stop thinking about. They plan secret meet-ups and try to find ways to be together, until Devorah's brother-in-law catches them. Is their relationship strong enough to survive despite the world being against it?
Una LaMarche writes as if you're wavering the storm of this new relationship along with Devorah and Jax, while enlightening you on the ways of the Hasidic world. She paints a picture of what it's like to be a teenager in love for the first time, while picking up on all of the humor and insecurity we've all felt at some point during our first relationship. For teen (and adult) star-crossed lovers everywhere, this book will make you feel like you're experiencing your first love all over again.
Check out Like No Other @ the library.Like No Other by Una LaMarche