Teen Read Month: Week 2

Skip the wait list, win the book!
Happy Official Teen Read Week! That's right, while we are celebrating all month long, October 12-18th is official teen read week!

What can you do? Stop in the library and enter to win some awesome books! Every week we'll pick a winner or two for a free book, and at the end of the month we'll put all the entries in for an awesome book pack including titles If I Stay, The Maze Runner, The Giver and Paper Towns!

Also, we're having a special "Random Fandom" this Thursday night where it is all about Fan-Fiction based on what ever fictional world you love! Join us Thursday, October 16th from 7-8 PM, in the library Constitution Room!

Like all teen events, the contest and the program are open to teens living in Milwaukee County!

That's two ways you can celebrate teen read week!

I'll see you @ the library!
