Summer Reading is Over...School has Begun...

Off to school we go...
We're wrapping up Summer Reading 2015 here at the library. Winners of the gift cards will be called today, and hopefully I'll be able to publish the first names of the winners by the end of the week. 

Also, September means new books! I don't know about you, but I did not meet my summer reading goals.  With new books from Andrew Smith, Terry Pratchett, A.S. King and Libba Bray to look forward to, I hope to set some fall reading goals and meet them! (BTW, totally working on that review of Dumplin'. Get your name on the list NOW.)

If you're wondering what's next @ the library we're planning to continue our Friday Fun events, as well as having a Minute to Win it type game in October and an all ages Star Wars event this December! Dates and more information to come soon!

Enjoy your first day of school, and I'll see you @ the library!

