This blog often focuses on Teen Events @ the library, however the library also has AWESOME events for all ages (Harry Potter Book Night anyone?)!
So here are TWO events coming up that are for all ages, that teens should totally check out!
International Games Day:
November 21st, 2-4 PM, Library Constitution Room
Do you play games? Board Games, Video Games, Card Games? Then join us for International Games Day! Libraries across the world will be having drop in, play game programs for all ages, so stop by the library!
Star Wars Celebration:
December 10th, 6:30 PM, Library Constitution Room
*Tickets available starting at 6 PM in the Library Atrium
Did you hear a new Star Wars movie was coming out this December? If you crashed the Internet watching the preview, bought tickets for the new movie, or just want to dust off the old Obi-Wan costume, stop by the library for a night of Star Wars fun! There will be trivia, food, crafts and all sorts of Fandom fun!
*We will be limiting attendance to this event, to like 100 people, so if you want to be part of the party, get here early!
Mark your calendar, get some games, find your Yoda had and come to the library!
I'll see you @ the library!