Star Wars Trivia Preview!

Are you coming to the Star Wars event Thursday December 10th? (Refresher, 6:30 PM in the Library Constitution Room, tickets available starting at 6 PM in the atrium). Then you have a chance to win one of 5 $20 gift cards to a movie theater!

Everyone in attendance will be given a trivia sheet to fill out. Turn it in before the end of the night with your name and the best way to contact you and sometime next week we'll let know 5 lucky winners next week! Winners will be a combination of people who got all the questions right, who gave it their best shot and wrote their name so we can read it.

Here are some hints to help you with the trivia, the first movie was released May 25th, 1977. Also, check out IMDB and check out who played what character!

See you @ the library I will!

PS: For those of you who already have tickets, these are just general gift cards, You could buy snacks, tickets to another movie or see The Force Awakens again!
