Bookish Distractions

Hey everyone, it's Friday! Don't forget to fill out those reading logs and book review forms. Bring them back to the library by August 12th to be part of the Reading Race, or August 31st to just get coupons and be a part of the prize drawing!

Here are some links to check out:

Are you in AP Literature this year? Here's a quiz from the Strand Book store testing your knowledge of classic books and authors. I'm not going to lie, it made me want to brush up on my authors! (New York Times)

Buzzfeed is great for YA reading lists, and here's one for 34 Young Adult books that scream "Girl Power"! Favorites include Unbecoming by Jenny Downhan and Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.

BookRiot has a link for some Pokemon' book titles, if you "gotta catch 'um all" If Pokemon' isn't your thing, check out another BookRiot book list on YA "geek" themed books.

On to some movie news, did you hear that Allegiant the final movie is most likely going to be made for TV, and then spun off into a TV series based on the Divergent books? I only watched the first movie, but are you willing to the follow the series from the big to small screen?

Finally, Twilight writer Stephenie Meyer is writing another book! I think it's going to be more of an grown up mystery, but fans of the Twilight series might want to take note!

I'll see you @ the library,
