Bookish Distractions: It's Fall!

Happy Fall!

Looking for monster books for this spooky Halloween season? Then Book Riot has you covered with 100 Must-Read Books about Monsters. It's a good mix of YA and Adult titles, and I'm happy to say my pick for creepiest monster book ever, The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey makes the list.

Ever wonder what your Patronus was? Head over to Pottermore and find out! Buzzfeed gives us a heads up on what to expect and lets us see what Miss J.K. Rowling has as her Patronus!

Also on Buzzfeed, 23 YA Book to be aware of this fall! With new books from A.S. King, Jay Asher and David Levithan and Rachel Cohen, my TBR list is growing faster than I can keep up!

Book Awards time! Are you ready for the long list of the National Book Award for Young People's literature (Scroll down. It's the last list.)? Well, it's out! On October 13th, we'll find out the finalists, and on November 16th the winner! (Here's a link from the Washington Post of just the "Young People's Literature".) Past winners include titles like Challenger Deep (Shusterman) and The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian (Alexie).

I hope that keeps you busy this weekend! Don't forget author Laurie Halse Anderson will be here at West Allis to talk about her new book Ashes on October 5th!

I'll see you @ the library!
