Bookish Distractions: Spring has Sprung!

I hope you all enjoyed the Wisconsin Author Festival yesterday! Now it's time to wind down with some Bookish Distractions.

Maggie Stiefvater has a new book coming out in October and Entertainment Weekly has the cover reveal and the scoop on the new book, All the Crooked Saints!

Looking for a book summary quicker than Cliff's Notes or the Internet? Here are 15 Classic Books in Under a Minute from Sad and Useless

I know I've been hyping up The Hate U Give because of awesome reviews, and YA author support, however here is an article from The New York Times about why books like The Hate U Give are important now. My copy of the book is on it's way to me and I am looking forward to reading this book.

Whew, we got a bit deep there. Lets lighten up with a list of 25 Epic YA Fantasy books that are not series from Epic Reads. If you don't have the time or just don't want to invest in a sweeping series, these are really good suggestions.

And finally, Buzzfeed reminds us of our favorite Harry Potter Parody of all time, The Mysterious Ticking Noise, which is 10 years old. If you haven't heard this awesome YouTube video, you are welcome, and if you have it stuck in your head all day, I'm sorry.

That's all for today! I'll see you @ the library!

PS- Shout-out to Forever Young Adult, from where I got some of these links. If you are on the more "A" side of Young Adult, check out the site!
