One Week to Summer Reading...

Summer Reading Begins in one week! Don't panic. That's my job, here's what you need to do:

1. Get your reading lists ready. Put books on hold. Find your eReader, dust off your headphones. Do what you need to do to be ready to Read.

2. Sign up for the program after June 1st. You can do this on line or in the library. We'll have more details next week.

4. Read. Write short reviews. Turn in reading logs. Win Prizes.

What are those prizes you ask? Well this year, the first 50 Teens to turn in a reading log get a Ticket to the Wisconsin State Fair. That's right, a ticket to the State Fair. This comes with some other coupons as well, and a raffle ticket.

What if you are #51? Well, you also get a pack of coupons, just not that awesome State Fair Ticket. Oh, and everyone is entered to win some pretty cool prizes. We'll have at least 6 prizes to raffle off at the end of summer, including gift cards and book sets!

You can keep reading and reviewing for more raffle tickets!

Summer Reading; Read and Win!

I'll see you @ the library!
