Teen Summer Reading Prizes!

You've been reading. Soon you'll be winning! That's right the Teen Summer Reading 2017 prizes are IN!

Once you fill out your Yellow Reading Log, come into the library and pick up the first round of prizes. You will get a packet of awesome coupons, as seen in the image. But wait, there's more. The first 50 Teens to turn in that Yellow Reading Log* will also get a ticket to the State Fair! And an entry into our grand prize drawing.

*Yes, you can do the online only option. Have the librarian look-up your name, and they will give you the prize as if you turned in the Yellow Reading Log. I think most of you are doing the paper logs though.

Don't forget, for every three books you read you can earn more entries into the grand prize drawing! You'll fill out Green Reading Logs for these entries, and unlike the Yellow Reading Log, you can fill out as many of the Green Reading Logs as you want.

This year three winners will get $25 gift cards and at least 3 other winners will get a set of books, which I will publicize when I have them.

So read and win!

I'll see you @ the library!

PS- It's not too late to register! Check out on-line registration here!

PPS- Just a reminder that for the Children's program, coupons will be available starting June 12th.
