Teen Summer Reading Wrap Up!

School is in session, Labor Day weekend is a memory, and here are some Teen Summer Reading statistics!

Thank you to all 164 of you who signed up for Teen Summer Reading this summer! We tried something new with on-line registration, and while there were some bugs, it really worked well!

85 of you turned in at least one reading log, and the first 50 took home a Wisconsin State Fair ticket! I hope you were able to enjoy a cream puff, and check out some of the animal barns, at least that's what I like to do at the fair!

We had 199 entries into the grand prize drawing, meaning almost all of you turned in more than one reading log! Winners were contacted yesterday, and I left a lot of messages, so be sure to check your voice mail!

Thanks again for reading with us! Keep checking back here for more awesome programs, and reading contests @ the library!

