Bookish Distractions

Let's dig right in with some bookish distractions!

Remember the lists from Book Riot for recommendations for all the Harry Potter houses? Finally the Gryffindor one is up! Yes, to so many of these titles, like Daughter of Smoke and Bone and what's turning out to be THE book of 2017, The Hate U Give! So make like Hermione and get to the library!

It's that time of year when we might be buying things for other people, and you might be thinking books are in the budget (and you can totally borrow them, right?) Buzzfeed's got you covered with some awesome YA book recommendations for every reader on your list.

With all the new Star Wars books coming out, here is one we have all been waiting for: Padme Amidala! That's right Queen Amidala will be getting her own book in 2018! (Nerdist)

I'm a little late to the game on this one, but Riveted has a free book every day in the month of December. The catch? It's only available for 24 hours for you to down load and read. They are all new titles, some with a bit of demand. Check it out, and read!

Finally, have you read The Hate U Give yet? Not me, but with the movie coming out sometime next year, I can hardly wait to get my hands on an actual copy. Here is the lowdown on the book and the movie from our friends over at Epic Reads!

I'll see you @ the library!
