October Events!

Hey all it's finally Fall! And here are your October Teen Events!

First off, have I told you we are hosting author Laini Taylor next week? That's right, awesome YA author Laini Taylor will be here at the West Allis Public Library on October 9th at 6:30 PM. I started Muse of Nightmares, the sequel to Strange the Dreamer, and there are no words. I will tell you I love it, and it is very hard to put the book down to live life and work. Click here if you want to come to this free, all ages event!

Next, just two days later we are putting on our best creepy hats, and making Franken-toys, that is taking old toys and making something new, and scary or just goofy. Franken-toys is a teen and tween event, so for those of you in grades 4-12, bring some old toys, and a creative mind! Franken-toys will take place on October 11th, from 6:30-8 PM!

Finally we have Friday Fun! This is our monthly teens only event where you can hang out @ the library. October's event is on the 19th, from 3:30-5:30 PM in the Constitution Room. We have a brand new Nintendo Switch for you to try out, as well as board games and snacks. You must be in 6-12th grade to come to Friday Fun!

I'll see you @ the library!
