Bookish Distractions: Spring Maybe

Are you dreaming of warmer weather, or even just none of this snow business? Well curl up with a good book or check out these Bookish Distractions!

YA Queen Sarah Dessen has a new book coming out in June! Entertainment Weekly has a preview of the book, The Rest of the Story, out June 4th. Click here to read a bit about the book, as well as a sample!

I haven't had too much time to read of late, however there are a ton of movies coming out based on books, and Epic Reads, as usual, has an awesome list of YA book based movies you can watch out for. Five Feet Apart will be in theaters soon, and other movies like On the Come Up are just in development. Click here to see what other movies you could be watching!

Did you ever wonder which Defense against the Dark Arts Professor you are most like, from the Harry Potter series? I didn't until I saw this quiz over at Book Riot. Click here to take the quiz to find out which Defense Professor you are! (I got Remus Lupin!)

Check back soon for more information about April programs, and our first ever Community Reads program this May!

I'll see you @ the library!
