Did you miss this week's Teen Writers Camp session on Poetry? Here's your chance to do some writing, and participate!
This week we talked about and wrote poetry. Poetry has an interesting reputation. It can come off as crusty, academic, and hard to figure out. However, poetry is all around us! From greeting cards to song lyrics, we are surrounded by poems!
One fun thing to do is to take a poem or song you know and rewrite it in a new way. Check out the site Pop Sonnets (https://popsonnet.tumblr.com) to see some pop songs written as sonnets. Can you write one? If you aren't up to writing a sonnet, you can take the first line of a poem or song, and create something new. Or just try to get the general feel of the song, in a new way.
Our next session of Teen Writers Camp is August 1st, from 2-3 PM in the Library Constitution Room. We will be working on creating and writing awesome characters. This event is for writers going into grades 6-12.
I'll see you @ the library!