Writing Prompt: Writers Camp Week One

Did you miss Teen Writers Camp this week? Well, here's a chance to participate from home! 

Today at Writers Camp we talked about journaling, and how just writing in a journal can be a great way to establish writing habits, and help you be a better writer in general.

One activity that we did, was pick a movie title and write a story from our summer, or life in general using that as a title. Even if we never saw the movie, or knew what it was about we could use the title to frame our own story. 

If you want to do this activity, find a list of popular movie titles, and blindly pick one. We picked from a "bucket" of titles. You can close your eyes and point at a computer screen, or just ask a friend for a movie title. Use that title to write a short summary of an event that happened to you. Bonus points if you write it like a movie trailer!

The next session on Teen Writers Camp will be July 25th from 2-3 PM and we will be working on Poetry.

I'll see you @ the library!
