NaNoWriMo: Monday Motivation

Five days left in the month.

Five days left to work on that novel.

Five days to meet that word goal.

Don't give up, don't panic, and don't think that you can't because YOU CAN DO THIS!

What can you do if you are impossibly far away from your word count goal? Set a timer and see how much you can write. In NaNoWriMo world this is called a sprint, and there are places online or IRL where you can compete with other writers. For you at home, you can just do this.

So today's writing prompt is to set a timer, and just see how much you can write. How much closer to that word goal are you now?

If you want to check out more on official NaNoWriMO sprints, check out this Wiki article, or head over to the twitter account @NaNoWordSprints!

I'll see you@ the library,
