Teen Writers Camp Week One: Telling Your Story

Welcome to Writers Camp 2020! This is always one of my favorite programs of the year, and I am so sad that it isn’t being held in the building this summer. But when life hands you lemons, take the program online, right?

It goes without saying that we are all living through some pretty historic times. What better way to keep a record for yourself, or future generations of people, than keeping a journal?

Writing in a journal can be a really good way to get your thoughts and feelings on paper. This can be used as a means for you to keep track of what is going on your own life, or share with others. For writing in general, it can be a great way to develop writing habits, like scheduling daily time just to write, or giving you an opportunity to play with words so to speak.

This week, I would encourage all of you to find time to write about what is happening in your life right now. It doesn’t have to be deep or introspective; it can just be about what you are doing, how you are feeling, or what you are hoping for.

As a bonus, I will encourage everyone to share their COVID story with the library. This is going to be a historical document to let future generations know what life in West Allis was like during the 2019 COVID Pandemic. If you got a writer’s kit (Hint, there’s still many left!) you will have a copy of the paper instructions. You can also submit your story online: https://forms.gle/xu48dAv1xEcVPvgi9

 Be sure to check the Teen Instagram page @wapl_teenspace for more writing prompts and ideas!

Check back next week when we’ll get started on writing fiction!

I’ll see you (online) @ the library!

