Candy Sushi: February 15-21

Our Candy Sushi program starts today! Stop in the library and pick up your Candy Sushi Kit from the Adult Information desk and check out our YouTube Video to follow along with Katie as she makes two adorable and delicious sushi rolls out of candy. 

This event is for teens, or those students in grades 6-12, and if you share a picture of your made candy sushi with Katie, you'll be entered to win a $10 Target Gift Card! Send pictures along with your name, what grade you are in and let us know if we can post your picture on our Teen Instagram account to Entries must be received by February 21st to count! 

Kits will be available at the library until we run out or February 21st, which ever comes first!

Click here for YouTube Video:
Check out our Teen Instagram here: @wapl_teenspace
