Teen Summer Reading Starts June 1st

Starting June 1st, readers of all ages are invited to come and read with the West Allis Public Library this summer! Teens, or those readers going into grades 6-12, have a special program with prizes just for them!

Here are the details on the teen program for 2021:

1. Stop in the library to register or head over to westallislibrary.beanstack.org .
2. Write down the title of any and all books you read starting June 1st. 
3 Starting June 21st, you can come to the library to pick up the following prizes
    * After reading 4 books, pick out a brand new book!
    * After reading 8 books, you get our first coupon pack!
    * After reading 12 books, get our second coupon pack!
4. At each prize level you also get entered into our grand prize drawing for gift cards! 
5. Want to earn extra entries? Write 2 book reviews*, or attend teen events!

Check out this blog, the teen Instagram (@wapl_teenspace), check out our Teen Discord, or stop inthe library for more details! 
