Quarinzine Reads!


The Quaranzine meet up is Monday June 26th at 11 AM, and whether you have been working on your zine, or just want to know what one is we have a couple of books for inspiration and what is this all about!

Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu: You may have watched the Netflix movie, but why not check out the source material of a girl who find inspiration from her Mom's Riot Grrrl past and creates a 'zine to call out her school!

Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger: When all he has is his zine expressing his feelings for his parents divorce, and their new lives, John finds solstice in Boston's zine community. With new friends, John realizes life isn't always easy. 

Rookie Yearbook One, Rookie Yearbook Two, Rookie on Love: Tavi Gevinson's second career was this online magazine for girls. They published a few books with collections of articles and art from the online version. Any one of these three books serves as amazing inspiration for creating a zine!

Making Comics by Lynda Berry: If you want to think outside the box, checkout this book on making comics that serves as inspiration and syllabus on thinking creatively and of course making comics!

Dishwasher by Pete Jordan: Zine author Jordan uses his zine as inspiration for this book! Making a zine may seem small, but it can have a traditionally published ending!

Of course, there is no end to books on writing, drawing and creating in the library that can serve as amazing inspiration! Check out the display in the library for these books and other Quaranzine reads!
