It's May and here are the events for teens at the West Allis Public Library this month!
May 10th: Anime Club 6:30 PM: Meet us in the Constitution room to watch anime favorites and discuss the manga you're reading. Most episodes are for a suggested audience of ages 14+.
May 13th: Friday Fun, 3:30-5 PM: It's the time for the original hang out at the library event! We open the Constitution Room, put out games, and some coloring sheets, and you just hang out!
May 17th: Mental Health Break, 6:30-7:30 PM: It's time to take a break, a mental health break that is! We will have stress relieving activities, and tips and tricks to keep you calm and ready to face the day. Registration is requested, and sign up online: or by calling the library 414-302-8500.
May 20th: Pageturners, 4-5 PM: Bring a book, and read at the library! We'll have a relaxing environment and a few beverages for you.
June 1st: Summer Reading Starts! Sign up on line or at the library, and start counting your books to earn awesome prizes. Don't worry, we'll keep promoting this one!
All events are for students in grades 6-12, and unless noted there is no registration. Check out the library calendar for more information: