Pick-a-Book: September 12-October 31

Have you ever wandered the shelves of the library wondering which book was perfect for you? Have you searched County Cat in vain for one book you want to read that is on the shelf? Have you ever just wished you could magically pick a book from a hat?

Then look no further! This September and October we are going to give you a chance to Pick-a-Book! Using the science of taking a random chance, you can pick a random book title, write a short review, and enter to win a prize!

Starting September 12th, you will find a box in the the Teen Space that has slips of paper with book titles written on them. Pick one, find the book on the shelf. All these titles will be in the Teen Space under the Author's Last Name, and check out the book! Finding a book to read has never been so easy!

All the titles in Pick-a-Book were added to the library collection between September of 2020 and December of 2021, with . For some reason, people just haven't yet found them on the shelves.

While anyone can Pick-A-Book, only those readers in grades 6-12 can enter to win. Entries need to be returned to the library by October 31st to be eligible for the drawing! 
